Home Garden

Three Wedding Reception Centerpieces To Consider Making With Outdoor Lanterns

When planning your wedding reception, the centerpieces that you use on the tables are essential. They create the overall look of the reception and allow you to show your unique style in a fun way. When creating the centerpieces for your wedding, outdoor lanterns are often a great option because they are very affordable and versatile. The following guide walks you through a few ways you can use the outdoor lanterns to create unique centerpieces at your wedding reception.

Concerned About Bugs In Your Storage Unit? 3 Ways To Prevent Bugs From Being A Problem

Using a storage unit can be a fantastic way to make sure your home feels less cluttered, but it does come with some concerns since you won't be around to keep an eye on the storage unit at all times. If you're eager to use a storage unit, but are concerned about pests being an issue in the unit, there are a number of things that you can do to make a difference in the contents of your storage unit and whether everything is in good shape.

2-Step Guide To Using A Homemade Solution To Kill Small Areas Of Crabgrass In Your Yard

If you have small patches of crabgrass marring the appearance of your lawn, you may wonder if there is anything homemade you can apply to get rid of it. If so, use the following two-step guide for killing crabgrass using ingredients you may already have or can find in supermarkets or department stores. Step 1:  Make The Homemade Crabgrass Killer In this first step, you will be making a homemade crabgrass killer using white distilled vinegar, salt, and dish soap.

Create Microclimates With Stone

Microclimates can be a gardener's dream or nightmare, depending on where the gardener lives and what the gardener wants to grow. If you're that gardener and have a bunch of microclimates -- or want to create a bunch of microclimates -- stone may become one of your best friends. Not only can the stone affect the temperature in the immediate area, but it can also help you modify what the soil is like.

Replace Windows And Turn Them Into An Architectural Feature Of Your Home

If the time has come to replace or upgrade windows in your home, do something different to create a unique architectural element in the space. Instead of simply buying the same windows that you are removing, talk with contractors about creating something beautiful instead. Some cool ways to transform your home windows include: Garden windows. A simple and sensational way to update windows is by turning them into garden windows. These extend outward, creating a nook that acts like a greenhouse in that it has four glass sides and captures a lot of natural light.

2 Additions For Your Garden To Help Erosion And Control Weed Growth

When you have a backyard vegetable garden for your own pleasure and enjoyment, it is a good idea to take steps necessary to help you get the most out of your time gardening. You don't want to spend a great deal of time fighting weeds or worry about soil erosion around your plant's bases during watering. Here are two ways you can help reduce weeds and help with soil erosion.

Buying Your First Home? 3 Reasons You Need A Home Repair Warranty

If you're in the process of buying your first home, you probably know that you're going to need home insurance. However, you might not realize that you're also going to need a home repair warranty, especially if you're buying an existing home. Even if the homeowner has disclosed all the problems that they know about the home, there could still be hidden issues that you don't know about. Without a home warranty, you'll be left holding the bag for those repairs.

2 Decorative Home Additions To Help Keep Your Home's Interior More Comfortable

Keeping your home's temperature maintained during winter and summer helps you stay more comfortable inside your home and also helps your energy bill throughout the year. Keeping the heat out during summer and the cold out during winter is a goal that many homeowners face every day. Here are some decorative additions you can make on your home to increase its aesthetic appeal while also improving its energy efficiency. Interior Window Treatments

Homeowner Tips For Preventing And Spotting Termite Infestations

Although most everyone knows that they are a threat, many homeowners fail to recognize that termite infestations can happen to them. If you're not familiar with the risks of infestation or the signs of termite presence, you're likely to overlook them until it's too late and the damage is done. Here's a look at some of the things you should know about termite infestation risk and the things you should be attentive to.