Home Garden
Questions To Ask When Purchasing Vegetable Seeds
When you're growing vegetables in your garden and you have limited space, you might find it difficult to choose which seeds to buy. After all, you may want to grow other types of plants on your property and won't want vegetables to take up all the space. When considering various seed packets online, deciding which to buy doesn't have to be difficult.
What Will You Eat?
Begin by thinking of what your family will eat.
2 Tips For Keeping Ants From Invading Your Kitchen
If your kitchen has been overrun by ants in the past, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to keep them out of your home this season. If so, use the following tips for preventing ants from invading your kitchen.
1. Wipe Your Kitchen Surfaces with Lemon Juice
If you have ever observed ants as they travel from one place to another, you may have noticed that they always follow the same path.
Keep These Pillow-Related Considerations In Mind When You Have Dust Mite Allergies
If you've been diagnosed as having an allergy to dust mites, it's important that you take a proactive approach to reduce your exposure to these allergens in your home. A common place for dust mites to reside is in your pillow, feeding off the dead skin cells that fall off your head and face during the night. As you sleep, you'll be exposed to the dust mites and can wake up with bothersome symptoms such as congestion and watery eyes.
3 Strategies For Custom Kitchen Cabinets
If you are thinking about enhancing and improving your kitchen, you can't go wrong with investing in a nice set of wood kitchen cabinets. These cabinets provide a great deal of value to your household, while also making it easy for you to love the space you live, eat and cook in. You will need to speak to a few contractors that sell and install wood kitchen cabinets, along with following some tips for getting the best cabinets possible.
Why You Should Add Garden Decor Birdhouses To Your Garden
Having a flower or plant garden in your backyard is a great landscape feature that can add both beauty and purpose to your yard. This is an area where you can really enjoy the outdoors and something that you can add some great decor to as well. One certain item that you can add to your garden is a birdhouse. Here are three great reasons why you should consider adding a garden decor birdhouse to your garden.
Reasons To Use Proper Holes, Rather Than Concrete Blocks, For Your Deck Posts
Having a deck built at the rear of your residence has lots of advantages, but you want to be sure that the job is done right. This can mean hiring a contractor, rather than attempting the work yourself, but also talking at length with your chosen contractor about how he or she will tackle this project. Sometimes, you'll see decks that have their posts set on concrete blocks. In other cases, the posts are sunk into the ground and surrounded by concrete.
3 Tips For Choosing The Right Whole-House Water Filtration System
If you are avoiding drinking your tap water or you notice problems like staining on your clothes after washing them, you likely need to invest in a whole-house water filtration system. When you are choosing the appropriate system, there are several ways to find what is right for your household.
Test Your Water
The water filtration system you need for your home will depend on the type of contaminants that need to be filtered out.
4 Beautiful Solutions For A Shady Yard
Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, right? Well, perhaps you have big trees or other obstructions that create shade in your yard. During hot summer days, you enjoy the shade, but it would be nice to have pretty landscaping as well. If your yard gets at least a little direct sunlight, you can create beautiful landscaping.
Make a Cool Retreat
Since you want to relax in the shade anyway, consider transforming a corner into a cool retreat.
Create A Beautiful Display With A Gallery Wall And Shelving
One of the most attractive ways to display artwork is on a gallery wall. You have your pieces framed and then hang them in a cohesive collection on a single wall. However, you can add even more dimension by adding shelving, whether it's a picture rail, wall shelves, or even a well-placed cabinet.
Collect the Items
The first order of business is finding items to display. You may already have pieces you've been wanting to display, or you may have a blank wall that needs attention.
Laminate, Hardwood, And Engineered: Understanding Why These Wood Floors Are Different
Who does not love a wood floor? They are fairly easy to care for, even easier to clean, and if the kids or pets make messes on a wood floor, you will not go ballistic trying to scrub the mess off the floor. They also have a tendency to look very nice. If you have decided to replace the flooring in your home with wood, you might discover that there are three ways to do this.