Recommendations To Test For And Abate Radon Inside Your Home
There are many types of problems and risks that you can encounter when you own a home, including pest problems, foundation settling and damage, and mold and mildew problems related to moisture leaks. However, radon gas can seep into your home up through your foundation from the soil and rock below, and you won't even know it while you are slowly being exposed to radiation. You can't see, feel, smell, or taste it, but radon exposure puts you at risk of cancer, especially lung cancer, and is something you can easily manage when you are aware of it. Here are some recommendations to know if your home has radon and how you can manage it.
Test Your Home For Radon Yourself
Radon gas may be present inside your home's air and may not be a problem for any of your neighbors, but if it sits below your foundation you need to test for it. You can test for radon through a few different ways, including an at-home test system or by arranging for a professional radon testing service.
If you choose to complete the test yourself with an at-home test system, be sure you follow all the instructions so you get an accurate test result. The testing process can take several days, so you should plan to leave the test in a place within your home where you are most of the time so it can get an accurate reading of the radon levels. For example, you don't want to place the test in the crawlspace of your home but rather in the main living space, such as the living room or kitchen of your home.
The test will usually require you to close up any open windows in your home a day before you start the test then keep them closed for the duration of the test, and also do not run any window fans or whole-home fan systems during the test. This ensures that your home's air is regulated so the testing system can accurately find any problems with radon gas. You can, however, use your home's air conditioner or heating system as you need to use it.
Hire A Professional
You can also arrange for a professional to perform a radon test in your home. They can appropriately place and monitor your home's radon levels to accurately determine where in your home the levels are highest, which can be helpful to establish the best radon abatement system. If the testing process determines your home contains dangerously high radon levels, they will be able to install a successful abatement system.
This may be a system to vent the soil from below your home's foundation up through a pipe system and out the top of your home to keep it from collecting into your home. They may also use a membrane to seal off your foundation slab to prevent the radon from coming up into your home. Or another option would be to install an energy recovery ventilation system to vent the air throughout your home to keep the levels to a safe amount inside your home.
To learn more, contact a local radon testing service.